Having the freedom to roam around on two wheels, it was time to venture outside the big city. Many people warned me about the dangers that lay outside the concrete jungle, but I was ready for a small adventure. The first thing you notice outside this metropolis is that people actually do know how to drive a car. Apparently it is just the hustle and bustle of Bangkok that makes them go mad in their Faraday's cages. People drive gentle and even let you pass, there are turn signals visible and no car horns to be heard. Riding a motorbike is a relaxing activity. From town to town, stopping along the way for a picture or a drink, that's what I was hoping for and that's what I got. But after a week I had enough. It was getting too quiet. I was missing something and I knew what it was. So without a doubt I hopped on my faithful steed and went towards the congested mogul. Once I entered the belly of the beast I found the noises and the smells again I was looking for. Again weaving through traffic jams I made way for my apartment. I survived a week on the countryside, notwithstanding all the warnings I received. I still don't know what all the fuss was about. I had a nice time and enjoyed it. And that is what I recommend to anyone reading this, have a nice time and enjoy.