maandag 19 oktober 2009

We are all foreigners here

I know everyone has been waiting for a new entry, so here it is. As stated before, this blog will appear on a very irregular basis. Let's see what has happened to me and how I see things in the Big Mango.
When someone stays long enough in a foreign country, you start to notice their flaws. Being a European, I am fairly tolerant to every other citizen of the world. But over here their little flaws can get to you a little. For instance, every Frenchman I meet her assumes I speak French and carries on in his own little lingo de pâté et canard. Do not assume things about people you do not know. Yes, I do speak French, but being so far from home you would expect them to at least speak English or the local tongue. So, point proven, the French are not only arrogant in their own country, but also outide their borders. Germans are better in this, they will speak English to you, albeit with a German accent, but you don't hear me complaining. I see they make an effort, I mention I can converse in their language and we carry on in German, everybody happy. But then again, why do I bother? Every German I meet her talks about one thing. Where to find the best ladies and how they are travelling on to Pattaya after a couple of days of Bangkok. And why is this? Because apparently the girls in Pattaya are cheaper. Yes, most Germans have a set budget and don't spend more than that per day. So to all you Bavarians, Schwaben and others of Volkswagen-country, I am not interested in your sexual exploits.
Apparently there is also a way to tell the difference between a Swede and a Brit. They both have tattoos, but the Vikings take care of their teeth and the Brits have a serious dental problem. This comes from a Swedish guy, so I don't take credit for this. Why is it that people pay so much money to sit on a plane for 10 hours or more and then get drunk every day they are here and get back on their plane back to farangland? I will never understand it. Why not spend that money in the local pub? The Hell's Angels had it right you know, support your local. Don't come here bothering other people with your drunk dribble about how your country is the greatest in the world. Because if it really is, why don't they stay there? And why do so many English live and work abroad? Because they loved living in their great country so much? On a side note, please get the colonialism out of your genes. You are not a conqueror. The only thing you will be conquering is the toilet to puke and shit your guts out.
And what's up with Americans stating they are Canadian. This is too funny. They are actually ashamed of the whole Bush era. Let me tell you one thing, you can't hide the accent. I do appreciate they come out for it after a while. The stupidest thing to do, because now everyone will make fun of them for the rest of the evening.
A large group of expats here is Australian and I can't find any flaws there. Down to earth people, descendants of former convicts, always a great conversation, not putting anyone down. I think they will have their flaws, everyone has. Heck, even I have flaws, maybe they are written about on a Frenchman's blog.
Just let me state for the record that in no way I am racist. This is just a blog of what I experience here.

Something completely different now, mispronunciation leads to miscommunication. A couple of days ago I was talking about movies with a Thai girl. All of a sudden she said she liked Black Pete a lot. I said I didn't know this person. She said it again and three times I heard Black Pete. I asked her if she meant Black Eyes Peas, which was complete nonsense as we were talking about movies. But hey, anything is possible here. Tell me more about Black Pete, I said. He very handsome man, she continued. Made many movies. Very famous. And married to Angelina Jolie. YES. You guessed it, she was talking about Brad Pitt. Sometimes you have to make an effort, but in the end you will get there.

In the end you will get there.

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